How LCD Fruit packaging and export Jackfruit to customers (jackfruit supplier, Jackfruit wholesale, Vietnam jack fruit supplier)

 Dear all of LCD Fruit Customers, thank you for you to trust us. Today LCD Fruit want to let you know how our Jackfruit is hand to you, LCD fruit Vietnam fruit export company takes great pride in delivering the highest quality fruits to our customers worldwide. With a deep commitment to excellence and attention to detail, we have established ourselves as a trusted partner in the industry. 

We are Vietnam Jack Fruit suppliers with output of 300 containers a months.

From farm to workshop

All of our Jackfruit is buying from farmer in Vietnam LCD Fruit will buying dragon fruit from the farms that having plating area code provide by The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam.

At farm LCD Fruit will determine the size of Jackfruit and the quality of Jackfruit to buying the whole farm with the price of type A, B, C.
Our classify system.
Our Jackfruit will all have to cut on the top to check the quality.

Packaging and store process for exporting jackfruit

 After harvesting, jackfruit needs to be stored in a dry, cool place, not placed directly on the ground but with a tarp/paper underneath.

Jackfruit can be stored for up to 6 weeks at a temperature of 11-13°C. For storage warehouses, the following conditions are required:

Dry, clean, cool No strange smell No toxic chemicals Do not store with goods that have different flavors.

Quick lime
Each jack fruit have to be cut to check quality before packaging. After cut we put quicklime on for our jack fruit to make sure our jackfruit is store.

In case the transport distance to the consumption place is too far, exported jackfruit needs to be preserved in cold storage, with artificial cooling. The sooner it is put into cold storage (in terms of time after harvesting), the better.

To export jackfruit, it must be packed in a refrigerated container at a temperature of +5 to +10°C, humidity 50-60%, ventilation 25 to ensure freshness when reaching the recipient.

Packaging Of our Jackfruit
When choosing a container to pack goods, you need to choose a good, sealed container and check the operation of the refrigerator. Pay attention to the guidelines in the container to ensure that jackfruit is preserved in the best temperature and conditions.

The necessary documents for jackfruit export procedures

Foreign trade contract (Sales Contract), Commercial invoice (Commercial Invoice), Packing list (Packing List), Certificate of origin (CO - Certificate of Origin) to enjoy import tax incentives; Plant quarantine certificate (Phytosanitary Certificate).

There are 3 types of standard Non-standard, Viet GAP, Global GAP.

If you an EU or US buyers, you need to know you supplier got Global GAP or Viet GAP. It's like the passport for fruit to your countries.

Why should you import with LCD Fruit?

LCD fruit will update for you Everday to make sure you keep on track with your order.

We let you know the price that we are buying at farm from out farmers FOB and our profit so you could make the best decision. If you are a new customer, we will set up a meeting with you so you can ask us anything about our fruit.

If you need sigh a big contract, we will fly to you. 

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Vietnam Jackfruit supplier

Vietnam Jackfruit exporter 

Vietnam Jackfruit wholesaler

GLOBAL GAP Jackfruit

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